Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Haiti In Need

As of 2006 Haiti was plagued by extreme poverty causing children to be denied their rights. Factors that keep Haiti in poverty are the lack of medical attention, education, access to clean water and sanitation. In Haiti only 34% have access to adequate sanitation. In … 60,000 people live in 1square kilometer with no toilet and a clean source of water at all. Getting clean water in Haiti is a challenge as well. Many children are sent away from home walking miles to collect water at the expense of their schooling. Even after they collect the water it is not safe to drink until it is boiled with wood or coal but with only 3% of the forest in Haiti left, materials need are scarce. Without water many children die from diarrhea. Since most hospitals are hard to reach many children are dying from HIV/Aids without medical attention. However even inside hospitals it is overcrowded, understaffed and under supplied. With children dying in the hospitals they can’t go to school. The schools in Haiti however are understaffed and the facilities are rundown. If children do go to school their education is very poor. Many families can’t send their children to school so they send them away with other families with the promise of a better life. Instead children are exploited. A new president was was elected and was promising change and help was on its way to Haiti.

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